Use the path "H:\workspace" (a /workspace folder in your home folder) or a different path within your home folder if you wish. After Eclipse is executed you will be presented with a "Workspace Launcher" window requesting you to choose the workspace that you wish to work with.
Violet uml editor software#
To run Eclipse from within the UniS AP Labs navigate the start menu as follows: Start > All Programs > Departmental Software > Computing > eclipsec.
Violet uml editor how to#
This section explains how to open Eclipse, create a new project, and prepare Violet for diagram editing. Of these six diagram types this tutorial covers use-case, class, sequence, and state diagrams. Violet UML supports the production of use-case, class, sequence, state, activity and object diagrams. Whilst UML 2.0 specifies fourteen diagrams in reality a number of these diagrams are more commonly used than others. Further details concerning these diagrams can be found in Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden (2005 p29-35). A taxonomy of UML diagrams is presented below. Interaction diagrams form a subset of these behavioural diagrams (consisting of communication, interaction overview, sequence, and timing diagrams). The UML 2.0 has 7 classes of behavioural diagram (activity, communication, interaction overview, sequence, state, timing, and use-case). Behavioural diagrams are dynamic and consider processes and how the system functions over time. Within the UML 2.0 specification there are 6 structural diagrams (class, component, composite structure, deployment, object, and package). Structural diagrams are static and consider the relationship between components within the system independent of considerations of time.
UML diagrams can be assigned to two broad categories: structure diagrams and behavioural diagrams. Finally, the use of Violet to create each of the four emphasised diagram types (use-case, state, class and sequence) is detailed in four respective sections. Following on from this, instructions on the general use of Eclipse and Violet UML are provided. The range of available UML diagram types is outlined and the four UML diagram types covered within this tutorial are listed below. To integrate Violet with Eclipse simply place it in your.
Violet uml editor download#
For home use, the tool is available for download on SourceForge (size ~2meg). Both Eclipse and Violet are installed in the AP labs. Alternatively, Violet can also function independently of Eclipse in a stand-alone mode. Violet UML is an open source UML tool plug-in that extends the functionality of Eclipse to enable the easy creation of simple UML diagrams. Eclipse is a cross-platform, open source, IDE (integrated development environment). The purpose of this tutorial is to guide users in creating UML diagrams with the Violet UML plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK License. COM1012 - System Analysis and Design - Violet UML Tutorial COM1012 - System Analysis and Design - Violet UML Tutorial